Saturday, September 30, 2006

Evolution of transcription networks

As early as in 1975, Mary-Claire King and Allan Wilson observed that there was very little change in many human proteins when compared to their chimp counterparts. From this they postulated the divergence between humans and chimpanzees should be attributed to changes in regulatory regions, that would impact on the expression levels of the proteins.

So, this brings us to one possible consequence of mutations on biological systems. Genomic variation can alter the regulatory networks of the cell, either by mutating transcription factors or by changing the regulatory binding sites where the transcription factors bind to in the genome.

To what extend can the expression change with evolution? One way to gauge for the possible rate of change is to look at recently duplicated proteins pairs within the same species and check how related in expression are they. Several studies (for review see here) have shown that expression divergence occurs quickly after gene duplication. Papp and colleagues provided with a possible mechanism for this change. When they studied the up-stream region of duplicated proteins they saw that the number of shared binding sites decreases with the age of the duplication although the total number of binding sites stays fairly constant.

This provides with a model of change of expression after duplication by quick lost and gain of binding sites by mutations in the regulatory regions.

To determine the impact of divergence on the changes in the regulatory networks one can also look at how conserved are the regulatory regions of the same proteins in different species (orthologs).
Dermitzakis and Clark
have calculated that between 32% to 40% of the human transcription factor binding sites are functional in rodents, providing evidence for significant change in regulatory sites.

Gash and colleagues used a different approach to study the cis-regulatory region of S. cerevisiae proteins. They looked at the conservation of binding consensus in several other fungi spanning a very broad evolutionary distance (see figure 1, adapted from the same paper). They have looked at groups of proteins regulated by the same transcription factor and calculated over-represented sequence motifs in their regulatory region. These over-represented motifs likely represent the binding specificity of the transcription factor . They next checked if the same over-represented motif is observed or not in the regulatory regions of orthologous proteins. The result (figure 1) is that the binding consensus is mostly conserved even in species that have diverged from S. cerevisiae a long time ago (~400My). This seems a bit contradictory with the previous results but actually they do not say that the actual biding sites are conserved. My interpretation from their results is that a sufficient number of binding sites are conserved so that we still see an over-representation of the motif. What we can also see is that the binding specificity of the transcription factor is mostly conserved.

So more generally, what emerges is that expression change occurs mostly through changes in regulatory regions and not so much trough changes in the binding specificity of the transcription factors. To put in in another way, the binding sites are more likely to change then the binding properties of the transcription factors.

These results tell us that genomic variation can indeed change the regulatory networks but how does this impact on phenotypes. Two recent studies looked at particular examples of regulatory changes in S. cerevisiae.

A study from the Barkai lab has linked a change from aerobic to anaerobic growth to the loss of a specific regulatory site in several genes, providing evidence that regularly changes can impact on phenotypes.
To counter this, another study, this time on the mating of yeast has shown that the same phenotype can be observed even if the regulatory mechanism have changed.

These individual examples are just a taste of what we might expect in the future. They do show that regulatory plasticity can be used by the cell to generate phenotypic change but also that selection for phenotype can maintain a function even if the underlying molecular details are not the same.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Submit your posts to Bio::Blogs #4

The 4th edition of Bio::Blogs is being hosted by Sandra Porter. We are still on time to send in out links either to her directly (see here) or to the bioblogs email (bioblogs at
The September edition will be hosted by Chris in his Fourth Floor Studio. If you want to host future edition feel free to volunteer.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Why do I like evolution in biological systems

One of my fascinations with biology are the amazingly different levels of abstraction one can choose to study biological systems. From molecular details and dynamics of proteins and RNA, with their different conformations and chemical activities to how these components interact with each other to produce the required functions inside the cell. The interactions of cells during development or bacterial communities. How firing neurons compute stimuli and produce behaviour and the interplay of species in ecosystems.

I guess what all of these things have in common is that, at any given level of abstraction, it is possible to describe components (i.e, atoms, proteins, cells) that can apparently be described with a reasonable limited set of properties. In all cases the interaction of the described components result in emergent complex patterns that are not easily predictable. All of this just means that we really don't know much about these systems :).

To complicate the story a little more these are evolving systems with constant genomic variability produced by mutation, recombination, segment and/or genome duplication events. How is this variability propagated through these layers of complexity ? What can be the consequences of a mutation ? Changing an amino acid in a protein might disrupt the binding to another cellular component. In turn this could alter a pathway, changing an oscillatory response to a transient one upon a certain environmental clue. This could be enough to modify the development and morphology of a species and how it relates to others in the ecosystem.

Given the slow nature of evolutionary change we can assume that in many cases we are studying a snapshot of it's dynamic nature. Like studying in much detail a frame of an ongoing movie. So, what is the point ? Understanding how something was "produced" helps us understand what to expect from it's functions. Also, understanding the impact of genome variability helps us determine to what extent biological features are conserved between species.

I'll try to devote some future posts on what is known about the impact of mutations and other genome changes in different levels of biological complexity.

Monday, September 25, 2006

The evolution of genome complexity

There is a nice review out in BioEssays on the non-adaptive evolution of genome complexity. It focuses on the work of Michael Lynch and in particular a recent paper proposing a general theory about the evolution of genome complexity grounded on population genetics.
Lynch argues that the eukaryotic genome structure originated due to the reduced selection pressures associated with the small effective population sizes of eukaryotic species. That is, most of the complex features of eukaryotic genomes are the result of stochastic search through neutral or slightly deleterious mutations that are not purged trough selection (due to the reduced selection pressures in small populations).

I still have a hard time getting my head around this theory. I should try to strengthen my population genetics background. Lynch does not say that adaptation does not play a role. If I get it right he is just arguing that there is a relaxed search in reduced populations. This would be conceptually the same as relaxing a fitness search algorithm such that it would not get stuck in local optima (see fitness landscape).
One possibility to study this theory further could be maybe to take a realistic model of a simple cell and to do evolution studies in silico. Something like this was proposed recently in a Biology Direct paper by Neyfakh and colleagues.

I know some bloggers out there that would have a more informed opinion on this. It would be nice if there was some way to informally request an opinion just by linking in a particular way for example :).

Friday, September 15, 2006

Comparative Interactomics on the rise (II)

Two papers on interaction network alignment caught my attention recently. Both of them are supposably more efficient ways of doing network comparison than the previously published PathBlast from the Ideker lab.

The first one called Græmlin was published in Genome Research and the second one developed by Mehmet Koyuturk is called Mule(PDF) and is in press in the Journal of Computational Biology.

More on the buzz department, the MIT technology reviews elected comparative interactomics one of 10 “emerging technologies” of the year. Highlighting Ideker and Palsson as two of the people pushing the idea forward.

That's it, I figure the meme gained enough traction to "spread" in the wild and we can expect several variations on the algorithms to surely continue to flow along with even more interaction networks.
Psi-Network-Blast anyone ?

Open access publishing (physicists viewpoint)

There is a very interesting discussion going on about open access publishing in a physics blog. The author also links to a recent editorial in Nature Physics.

A lot of the discussions are on how to certify content after submission to a pre-print server and how expensive should the whole process really be. Going through it the thing that most impressed me is that everyone seems to accept naturally the usefulness of a preprint server. Ken Muldrew in one of the comments says:

"something like the arXiv is sort of a bridge between conference talks and publications; a new phenomenon that doesn’t replace the old ways but rather adds to them, like email as it relates to phone conversations and page-written letters."

So why are there not more bioinformatics manuscripts in pre-print servers ? Most bioinformatic/computational biology journals accept submissions from papers already in pre-print servers. I subscribe to the arXiv feed on quantitative biology but most papers seem to a bit away from biology when compared to work published in say Bioinformatics, PLoS Comp Bio and BMC Bionformatics. This recent manuscript about horizontal gene transfer shows that arXiv does accept the type of work that I might participate in so I will try to in the future submit there first.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Marc Vidal interview in a podcast

(via My Biotech Life) Rick pointed me to a podcast series called Futures in Biotech. I am listening to a two part interview with Marc (Interactomes) Vidal, explaining his interest in parts and networks on a very accessible level. There are some interesting historical little stories for those more familiar with the field.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Postgenomic Upgrade

I don't remember reading any announcement but I guess Stew upgraded Postgenomic. It's full of extra information that will give anyone a chance to procrastinate for some time. Did you ever wonder what is the Gunning-Fog Index of your blog ? Your incoming bloglove ? (whatever that means) Your most popular blog post ? Go have a look at PG.

He also added a section on original research that I guess is still experimental. My two posts on the correlation between protein age and protein interactions are there but I guess he had to mark them by hand.

On a related note, Stew released a greasemonkey script to add links to postgenomic from connotea. I would love to see journals starting to link directly to postgenomic without us having to use greasemonkey scripts. This would give bloggers an extra little incentive to write some comments on papers and for the journals it's free content and extra attention on their sites.

Now .. back to my thesis ...

Friday, September 08, 2006

Building reality online (the lonelygirl15 meme)

I am not a big fan of video sites so today was the first day I heard about lonelygirl15. She is a very famous video blogger with videos seen a total of about 2 million times. The interesting thing is that she does not actually exist. She is part of an art project intent on doing something like a wiki soap:

Thank you so much for enjoying our show so far. We are amazed by the overwhelmingly positive response to our videos; it has exceeded our wildest expectations. With your help we believe we are witnessing the birth of a new art form. Our intention from the outset has been to tell a story-- A story that could only be told using the medium of video blogs and the distribution power of the internet. A story that is interactive and constantly evolving with the audience.

Even if people lose interest now that they know she is not real, the fact was that they were drawn into her fabricated life. Is this ethically correct ?
I guess what I am getting at is that we are getting better at creating virtual reality. The truth is what the majority of people perceive to be true, the wiki kind of truth. This is already the case in physical reality with mass media having a strong effect on what is actually perceived. What I think is that this manipulation of masses and crowd effects are much stronger online.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Social network dynamics in a conference setting

(disclaimer: This was not peer reviewed and is not serious at all :)

To study the dynamics in social network topology we decided evaluate how some nodes (also called humans) interact in defined experimental conditions. We used the scientific meeting setting that we think can serve as a model for this type of studies. We observed human-human interactions during the meeting breaks by taking snapshots and calculating inter-human distances. We defined an arbitrary cut-off to determine the binary interactions between all the humans present in the study.

The first analysis we preformed was under the so call "conference breaks" model where our nodes are allowed to interact for brief time intervals after being subjected lengthy lectures.
We observed an interesting clustered network topology that can be described with a power law distribution. Most nodes in the network have few interactions while a small fractions of humans was found to consistently interact with a large number of other nodes. We found also some nodes that did not show any interactions in our studies even when several "conference breaks" were preformed. We believe that these could be pseudo-humans that were included in our study by mistake. These pseudo-humans might be on the way to extinction from the humeone.

Having built this network of human-human interaction on a large scale we decided to investigate what human properties might be correlated with human hubs. We used previous large-scale studies of human properties like height, gender and number of papers published to test this.
We show here that although gender shows a significant correlation with human hubness, the best predictor for hubs in the conference breaks networks is actually number of papers published. We tried to refine this further by introducing a new human measurement we call "hypeness". Hypeness of a human was calculated as a modification of the number of papers published weighted by the impact factor of the journals where the papers were published and also the number of times cited in popular media articles. We show here that hypeness does significant better at predicting hub nodes in this network.

Given that networks are dynamic we set out to map the changes in network structure with time. To simulate this we perturbed the gathering using a small-compound (EtOH) that we administered in liquid form. With time we observed a noticeable change in the network. Although the overall topological properties were maintained, the nature of the hubs changed dramatically. In this new network state that we call the "drunk" state, the best predictor for the highly connected hubs is clearly gender. We believe this clearly proves that social networks in conference settings are very dynamic with time.

To prove that gender was indeed the best indicator of hubness and not some strange artifact we used deletions studies. Random female nodes where struck with a sudden case of "sleepiness" and the perturbed network was observed. We show here that random female deletion leads to a rapid collapse of the network. The same is not observed with random deletion of the hypest nodes, proving our initial proposition.
Propagation of Errors in Review Articles

Thomas J. Katz signs a small letter in Science warning us about the propagation of errors in review articles. The author gives a scary example of an incorrect citation propagated through 9 reviews (if I counted correctly). The cited paper does not contain the experiment that all the reviews mention and as it seems it was actually never published anywhere. Very scary.
As more science moves online with more individual voices, will this propagation of errors be accentuated or reduced?

How to recognize you have become senior faculty

I am back from holidays and trying to plow trough the RSS feeds/content alerts that accumulated in these two weeks. I might post on couple of things that catch my eye.
Here is a funny editorial from Gregory A Petsko talking about the project to sequence Homo neanderthalensis.
The editorial is actually more about senior faculty members and in particular how to identify one:

- You are senior faculty if you can actually remember when more than 10% of submitted grants got funded.
- You are senior faculty if you can remember when there was only one Nature.
You are senior faculty if you still get a lot of invitations to meetings, but they're all to deliver after-dinner talks.
- You are senior faculty if students sometimes ask you if you ever heard Franklin in person, and they mean Benjamin, not Aretha.
- You are senior faculty if a junior colleague wants to know what it was like before computers, and you can tell her.
- You are senior faculty when the second joint on the little finger of your left hand is the only joint that isn't stiff at the end of a long seminar.
- You are senior faculty if you sleep through most of those long seminars.
- You are senior faculty if you visit the Museum of Natural History, and the dummies in the exhibit of Stone Age man all remind you of people you went to school with.
- You are senior faculty if you find yourself saying "Back in my day" or "When I was your age" at least twice a week.
- You are senior faculty if you actually know what investigator-initiated, hypothesis-driven research means.
- You are senior faculty if you occasionally think that maybe you should attend a faculty meeting once in a while.
- You are senior faculty when your CV includes papers you can't remember writing.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Bio::Blogs #3

The third edition of Bio::Blogs was released a couple of days ago in business|bytes|genes|molecules.
I particularly enjoyed the nice discussions going on in evolgen , about the rifts in scientific communities and in Neil's blog regarding structural genomics data.

The next Bio::Blogs will be edited by Sandra Porter. Send your links and offers to host future editions to bioblogs{at}